I woke up on day 2 of my adventure excited about the day would hold! My first task at hand was to take a shower. I made my way into my new tiny blue tiled covered bathroom and took a look around. This was going to be an interesting experience! The toilet is also a family bidet (more to come in another post!) and my shower consists of a shower head mounted on the wall in the corner. No bathtub, shower divider, or shower curtain of any kind! You just shower there in the corner and all of the water runs on the tile floor to a drain under the sink. I discovered this is why many Koreans wear shower shoes. Thankfully, Amanda left me a pair at the apartment to squeeze my big size 9 1/2 feet into. A size 7 1/2 in American woman's shoes is considered extremely large here! I am considered lucky to have my shower in the corner since most small apartments have their shower located right over the sink! After successfully taking a shower, I got ready for the day and prepared for adventuring out into my new city.
Linda stopped by to pick me up for lunch and on the way gave me a tour of my new neighborhood and where I would be working. We ate lunch at Loteria a Korean fast food place. I stared at the menu confused on what to order. I pointed to the picture of a hamburger and hoped for the best. It was defiantly different but, at that point food was food! The fries where about the only thing that where the same. She then took me to buy a pen and notebook. I would be needing one to write down important things like my apartment code, how to get to work and did I mention my apartment code! Yeah, its the little number you have to know to actually get into your apartment. I forgot mine, and had to have Linda call our director so I could get back into my house. I was extremely glad she was with me since, I didn't have a cell phone and my laptop with internet access was in my apartment!
After a quick trip to the grocery store (where at one point, I'm pretty sure she called me Barbie!) she dropped me off at my apartment and made sure I had written down the correct directions to get to work, important phone numbers and my apartment code! Then she said her goodbye and left. This left me all alone and jet lagged standing in my new apartment. What was a girl to do? I quickly put away my groceries and fired up my laptop in attempt to find wifi again to make any connection with the world back home! Hello Facebook!