Its not cool to cry in your pajamas! I don't care what they say, its just not cool! But, that is just what this 20 something girl did last night! Yes, I can still say I'm 20 something. At least for a little while longer. : ) I'm not proud of the fact that I cried in my pajamas but, its exactly what I did after a 2 hour Skype session that lasted until 2 in the morning (there was a 15 hour time difference.)
It started out great! I Skyped with my entire family, who where all together at my sister's to see the new baby. Baby Olivia. For the first time, I was able to see this new Little Bundle of Joy in person! Via the internet and modern technology of course!
Little Olivia, was tuckered out! She slept most the time. |
It was amazing to be able to see this baby who just 2 weeks ago was in my sister's stomach! It sounds strange, I know! Its just different when your own sister has a baby. Don't get me wrong, I have had several friends and cousins who have had children that I hold near to my heart. But, there's just something different when its your sister's baby. I mean I have known her all of her life! I know how bratty, mean and nice she can be. She's the one who threw a motorcycle helmet at my face and bloodied my nose! She's also, the one who I threw a rock at that hit her in the head! I know her stories, her past, likes and dislikes. So, to now see her as a "Mom" (this girl who used to carry around big purses and be extremely girly until, she reached her infamous tomboy stage) is kinda surreal and strange to me all at the same time.
I loved being able to Skype with them! I have not seen my sister since, the beginning of January. This is an extremely long time! The longest we have went with out seeing each other is six months, and that only happened once. So, to be able to finally Skype with her was a huge blessing! I Loved every minute of it! It was great to see everyone, their new place and the new baby of course. We just sat their and chatted for hours about nothing, like we would if we where back home. Except this time, we where a world away.
I was great, couldn't be happier until we approached the 2 am mark and I had to go. I was even okay for a few minutes after we hung up. Then it hit me! I began to cry. I cried just like a baby. I don't even really know why I started crying. I just did. I blame it on the combination of everything; being a girl, being abroad and missing my family. I knew I would miss the birth of my sister's baby when I made this decision to travel abroad and that I wouldn't get to see her for the first few months of her life. I was some what okay with this. But, no matter how okay or prepared for a situation you are your still human! So while its not cool to cry in your pajamas it can happen when you live abroad, and that's okay.
She finally woke up towards the end of our call. She wasn't to excited about Grandma Linda holding her up to the computer screen. |
Happy 2 week Birthday Olivia!
Aunt Brandi loves you to the moon and back!