Harry, Julia, Jenny... Wait, Whats Your Name?!?!?
It's common for Korean students to receive an English name while attending English class. Its a very fun day when a student receives their English name! Or, at least I think it is! I have been fortunate to name a few. I normally give the student a list of names to pick from, I start the list with people I know or t.v. or movie characters. Once, I even suggested the name Phoebe! Other times, the student already has a name in mind. Since being in Korea, I have been fortunate enough to name a few. So far the people I named include; Fred, Eileen, Jamie, Ryan, Ramie, Casey, Diana, Autumn, Ashley and Micky. I'm still trying to name a student Freida! I'll let you know when it happens! Most of my students have pretty standard English names like; John, Harry, Julia, Jenny or Sara. You also have some more unusual names like Gum, Zombie and Kitty. Kitty is a new student who I tried to name Freida (her brothers name is Fred) but, she insisted on being called Kitty. So, Kitty it is! Then you have this Guy!...
His name origanlly started as Jay but, then day it began to Grow!! One day in class Jay decided that he needed a new English name. Okay, I said "what would you like to be called?" "McGyver!" Jay replied. McGyver? How does this kid even know about McGyver he's like 12! Okay, I said "We'll call you Jay McGyver ." The next class Jay raised his hand again. "Yes, Jay" I said. "Teacher, I need to add to my name" Jay replied. "Okay, Jay what would you like to be called today?" I said. "Terminator!" Jay replied. Terminator?!?! Is this kid stuck in the 80's or does he just watch a bunch of reruns and old 80's movies!?!? "Okay, I said you will now be called Jay Terminator McGyver." The class began to laugh and from that day his name has grown even more! He is now called King Big Bang Jay Terminator McGyver Obama 2X! I have since stopped allowing him to add to his name! Happy Tuesday Everybody!
Tuesday, May 31, 2011
Monday, May 30, 2011
Memorial Day
This Memorial Day as I sit in my apartment half a world away, I am thinking of everyone in Oklahoma and Missouri who where hit hard by recent tornadoes, all of the soldiers at home and deployed, all of our veterans and all of those who paid the ultimate sacrifice for our freedom. I heard a quote once, that I am reminded of today "no, freedom is not free." That it isn't. Many have laid down their lives in the ultimate sacrifice to allow us our freedom. For that I say, Thank You to all of our Service Men and Women and their Families. My thoughts and prayers are with you all and with all of those effected by the recent tornadoes. Have a safe and happy Memorial Day everybody!
XOXO, Brandi
XOXO, Brandi
Sunday, May 29, 2011
Paris Baguette
Paris Baguette is Huge in Korea! Koreans Love them! There is one on almost every corner! In fact, in the area where I work there are two Paris Baguettes within blocks of each other! Paris Baguette is a French bakery with a Korean twist. At first sight it appears to be a French bakery filled with delicious breads and pastries but, upon closer inspection you begin to realize that everything has been "Koreanized." In the beginning I steered clear of these little bakeries but, as the months went on I began to explore their food more and more. I have found some foods that I like and some that aren't so great. One of my favorites is the chicken wrap. Its similar to a chicken wrap that you would find in the States and makes a great and easy lunch. Every Paris Baguette is a little different in their own way. The last one I stopped at had peas on their pizza bread along with corn. Peas being out of the norm here on pizza bread (corn is very common on pizza here). The one thing that I continue to steer clear of is the garlic bread! I have been warned that Koreans love to put sugar on their garlic bread! Yuk!! So, here are some of the crazy concoctions that I have discovered in these little neighborhood bakeries.
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These little creations sit right out on the counter all day long. |
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Imagine a dinner roll with a semi-sweet cream and a choco (chocolate) paste in the middle. |
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The title explains it all! |
* Side Note: 1,000 won is similar to a U.S. dollar.*
Thursday, May 26, 2011
The Secret Life of an Expat: Homesickness
It creeps up on you, when you least expect it! It somehow finds its way in. It doesn't even knock, it just bust opens the door and Bam there it is! I'm talking about being homesick! The dreaded word no expat wants to hear let alone face. They say it normally creeps up on you around your 3rd month abroad and hits you just when you think you are getting settled and adapting successfully to your new life. Its a strange feeling at first. You quite can't put your finger on what is wrong but, you know your not feeling the same about your new life as before and then it hits you! You miss home!! Yup, your HomeSick! For some, it begins by trying to find out any news you can from friends and family back home. So, you call your grandma and she wants to talk about her latest medical test or her garden for an hour...Great! Your all ears! Or, maybe your just a little grumpier than normal, or things that wouldn't normally bother you set you off. Like, not being able to find Mexican food in your town. Which is a fact that you have known from day one but, for some reason on that particular day it just really pisses you off! Another common one is checking your e-mail, facebook or any other social media site constantly just to check out the latest news or see if anyone has replied to the page long letter you sent them in response to their simply asking "what's up?" Its a strange phenomenon; this homesickness, and I doubt they find a cure. Besides, simply returning to that dear place you call home and enjoying such luxurious as people speaking the same language and spending time with the people you love. Until then, I really wish bosses would implement a foreigner homesick day. But, then I would probably just stay in all day and watch re-runs of American tv on the internet, check facebook obsessively, and Skype with everyone and their dog. The latter would only result in "Skypers Remorse" a new phrase I'm taking credit for! Yeah, its like shoppers remorse except with Skype. I have a love hate relationship with Skype. Its a long story but, for the most part we get along.
Wednesday, May 25, 2011
StuDent StOrieS
As a teacher there are a few things that can really annoy you. Normally, a kid falling asleep in class would be one of them! But, here in Korea if a student falls asleep in class I just feel bad for them! Korean children have such crazy hectic schedules. I'm talking public school during the day and then multiple academies (English, piano, art, science, math, ect.) afterward. Its not unheard of to have students who don't get home until 9:00-10:00 pm. Then its time to do homework! This is one of my students after his first week in middle school. Notice the school uniform. Korean middle school students are required to wear uniforms and can only have certain haircuts and glasses and of course makeup is not allowed! So, if I see a student asleep in class I try to let them sleep! I figure they probably need it.
Monday, May 23, 2011
The "Monday Sick!"
Today, was kind of a dreary rainy day here in Korea. It was yet again Monday, and it seemed like everybody was tired from the weekend. I ran into my boss in the hallway and asked him how he was today and he replied by saying he had the "Monday sick." "Monday sick?" I replied. He then explained that it was a popular saying in Korea for when you weren't to excited about Monday or you are just dreading going back to work after a busy weekend. Later on in the day I asked another co-worker about this saying, she confirmed the meaning and then said "yeah, Monday sick. You don't use this saying?" I said, "no, the only thing we say is da*% it's Monday or maybe in a rare instance you could say you have the "Monday blues." She was shocked, and said they use this saying all of the time. So, I hope you all have a Great Monday and don't catch a case of the "Monday Sick!" Or better yet, call your boss next Monday and tell him you can't come in because you have a case of the "Monday Sick!"
XOXO, Brandi
XOXO, Brandi
Sunday, May 22, 2011
Korean Beauty Part I
I have stumbled upon many strange beauty treatments and trends here in Korea. One of the most popular trends is the Face Mask! Every beauty store has their own brand and a wide selection of face masks they offer. I have seen collagen mask, vitamin mask, tomato mask and even black caviar mask. The Korean face mask differs slightly from your typical DIY at home American facial. The mask is actually a slimy cotton sheet that you place on your face for 20-30 minutes. These mask are very affordable and make great gifts to send back home. So, after sending many of these back home to my family and friends I decided to try this trend for myself. Below are the results of my Korean DIY at home vitamin facial.

Thursday, May 19, 2011
StuDent StOrieS
Student of the Day goes to Bart!
Who insisted that he was a "Crusader Pretty Princess." Even after explaining to him (with stick figures!) that a Princess was a girl and a Prince was a boy, he still insisted that Yes he was in fact a Girl a "Pretty Princess!" He then said for short I should call him P.P. I then tried to explain that if I called him P.P. it would sound like Pee Pee. I then had to explain what Pee Pee means! I tried to do this with out laughing because, the more I laughed the more I coughed! (I have developed a funky cough over the past week but, that's another story.) The other teachers explained later that their is a P.C. Game (video game) where your player is a Crusader Pretty Princess. Gotta love the Language Barrier and kids who play Way to many P.C. Games!! Their is also a P.C. Game that uses the catch phrase "Show Me the Money!" Another one of Bart's favorite phrases!
Who insisted that he was a "Crusader Pretty Princess." Even after explaining to him (with stick figures!) that a Princess was a girl and a Prince was a boy, he still insisted that Yes he was in fact a Girl a "Pretty Princess!" He then said for short I should call him P.P. I then tried to explain that if I called him P.P. it would sound like Pee Pee. I then had to explain what Pee Pee means! I tried to do this with out laughing because, the more I laughed the more I coughed! (I have developed a funky cough over the past week but, that's another story.) The other teachers explained later that their is a P.C. Game (video game) where your player is a Crusader Pretty Princess. Gotta love the Language Barrier and kids who play Way to many P.C. Games!! Their is also a P.C. Game that uses the catch phrase "Show Me the Money!" Another one of Bart's favorite phrases!
Monday, May 16, 2011
RaNdOm FaCtS of ThE dAy!
Random Facts:
1. I have Eaten Spaghetti with Chopsticks.
2. Over 1/2 the Households in Japan have a Toilet with a Built in Bidet.
3. I currently have 3 Different Types of Currency in my wallet.
4. The word Hi means Yes in Japanese.
5. Toilet Humor is Funny in any Language.
6. In Japan and Korea many Public Restrooms Do Not Have Toilet Paper.
(You have to bring your own.)
7. I have been told I am beautiful by Japanese & Koreans because of my Pasty White Skin.
(Why did I waste all those years tanning?! Lol!)
8. Japan is Wicked Expensive!
9. Fukuoka Japan is Famous for its Ramen Noodles!
10. No matter how Hard you Try they, Won't let you Go to the Very Front of the Boat and Take A Picture like in Titanic!
* These Random Facts have been brought to you from over 6 hours on a Boat in the Ocean with out TV or Internet! : ) Enjoy!
1. I have Eaten Spaghetti with Chopsticks.
2. Over 1/2 the Households in Japan have a Toilet with a Built in Bidet.
3. I currently have 3 Different Types of Currency in my wallet.
4. The word Hi means Yes in Japanese.
5. Toilet Humor is Funny in any Language.
6. In Japan and Korea many Public Restrooms Do Not Have Toilet Paper.
(You have to bring your own.)
7. I have been told I am beautiful by Japanese & Koreans because of my Pasty White Skin.
(Why did I waste all those years tanning?! Lol!)
8. Japan is Wicked Expensive!
9. Fukuoka Japan is Famous for its Ramen Noodles!
10. No matter how Hard you Try they, Won't let you Go to the Very Front of the Boat and Take A Picture like in Titanic!
* These Random Facts have been brought to you from over 6 hours on a Boat in the Ocean with out TV or Internet! : ) Enjoy!
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