Wednesday, May 25, 2011

StuDent StOrieS

As a teacher there are a few things that can really annoy you.  Normally, a kid falling asleep in class would be one of them!  But, here in Korea if a student falls asleep in class I just feel bad for them!  Korean children have such crazy hectic schedules.  I'm talking public school during the day and then multiple academies (English, piano, art, science, math, ect.) afterward.  Its not unheard of to have students who don't get home until 9:00-10:00 pm.  Then its time to do homework!  This is one of my students after his first week in middle school.  Notice the school uniform.  Korean middle school students are required to wear uniforms and can only have certain haircuts and glasses and of course makeup is not allowed!  So, if I see a student asleep in class I try to let them sleep!  I figure they probably need it.

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