Happy 4th of July Y'all! Today, I'm thinking of everyone back home celebrating. They sadly do not

celebrate the 4th of July here in Korea. So, instead of having the day off and enjoying a cookout or popping fireworks I spent the day at work. It was the start of the new dreaded summer schedule and the start of me being at one school full time. (I'll let you know how that goes at the end of the week.) The new summer schedule means crazy chaos, new classes, old classes, some old classes in new time slots, new time slots, confused children, confused teachers and oh yeah, crazy chaos! Overall though, I think it went pretty well or as well as the first day of a new schedule can go. I'll let you know more after tomorrow, when I start my new Tuesday, Thursday rotation!
Today in honor of the 4th I explained to one of my classes the meaning of the 4th of July. After explaining that it was an American holiday that celebrates our countries independence, I then told them that to celebrate we pop fireworks. With the help of my poor artistic skills (they are about the level of a 1st grader's) and a student to help translate to Korean, I explained the word fireworks. I then, tried to explain that we also call them firecrackers. This left them totally confused!
"Fire Crackers?" they asked.
"Like a cracker?!?" I then had to carefully explain that
NO we do not Eat Firecrackers! Lol! This was a little difficult to explain since, they had just learned the work
Cracker a few weeks ago! So, it became our class joke to not eat a firecracker. They thought it was pretty funny!
Last year, she pretended to be a Genie in a Bottle by dancing in smoke from the Smoke Bombs! For her protection her identity has been hidden. But, I will tell you that she is one of my Aunts and her name does start with a B! : ) | |
I hope you all have a Happy & Safe 4th of July wherever you may be celebrating! A Big thank you to all of our members in the Military who made this day possible! A special shout out to the nice service woman from Florida who kindly gave me directions yesterday while, lost during my adventure in Gyungju! Stay tuned this week for blog post dedicated to Korean Beauty and possible another Giveaway!
Happy 4th of July,
* Kristy the winner of the previous Giveaway, will you please e-mail me your address. So, I can mail you your prize pack! : ) Thanks!
I am so sorry I hadn't gotten to you sooner!! I have been one busy chick!! Sadly, we didn't get to pop fireworks in Payne Co. this year b/c of the burn ban.. BOOOO Which is still going on with the 23(I think) days of triple digits!!!