Tuesday, May 31, 2011

StuDent StOrieS

Harry, Julia, Jenny... Wait, Whats Your Name?!?!?
    It's common for Korean students to receive an English name while attending English class. Its a very fun day when a student receives their English name!  Or, at least I think it is!  I have been fortunate to name a few. I normally give the student a list of names to pick from, I start the list with people I know or t.v. or movie characters.  Once, I even suggested the name Phoebe!  Other times, the student already has a name in mind.   Since being in Korea, I have been fortunate enough to name a few.  So far the people I named include; Fred, Eileen, Jamie, Ryan, Ramie, Casey, Diana, Autumn, Ashley and Micky. I'm still trying to name a student Freida!  I'll let you know when it happens!  Most of my students have pretty standard English names like; John, Harry, Julia, Jenny or Sara.  You also have some more unusual names like Gum, Zombie and Kitty.  Kitty is a new student who I tried to name Freida (her brothers name is Fred) but, she insisted on being called Kitty.  So, Kitty it is!  Then you have this Guy!...

    His name origanlly started as Jay but, then day it began to Grow!!  One day in class Jay decided that he needed a new English name.  Okay, I said "what would you like to be called?"  "McGyver!" Jay replied.  McGyver? How does this kid even know about McGyver he's like 12!  Okay, I said "We'll call you Jay McGyver ."  The next class Jay raised his hand again.  "Yes, Jay" I said.  "Teacher, I need to add to my name" Jay replied.  "Okay, Jay what would you like to be called today?" I said.  "Terminator!" Jay replied.  Terminator?!?!  Is this kid stuck in the 80's or does he just watch a bunch of reruns and old 80's movies!?!?  "Okay, I said you will now be called Jay Terminator McGyver."  The class began to laugh and from that day his name has grown even more!  He is now called King Big Bang Jay Terminator McGyver Obama 2X!  I have since stopped allowing him to add to his name!  Happy Tuesday Everybody!

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